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- MODULE 'utility/tagitem'
- #define RND_TAGBASE (TAG_USER+$1000)
- /************************************************************************
- memhandler
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RND_MemType (RND_TAGBASE+1) /* type of memhandler, see below */
- #define RND_MemBlock (RND_TAGBASE+2) /* ptr to block of memory */
- #define RND_MemSize (RND_TAGBASE+3) /* size of memblock [bytes] */
- #define RND_MemFlags (RND_TAGBASE+18) /* memflags (exec/memory.h) */
- #define RND_RMHandler (RND_TAGBASE+12) /* to pass a memhandler as an argument */
- /*
- * memhandler types
- */
- #define RMHTYPE_POOL 1 /* v39 exec dynamic pool */
- #define RMHTYPE_PRIVATE 2 /* private memory pool */
- #define RMHTYPE_PUBLIC 3 /* common public memory */
- /************************************************************************
- palette
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RND_PaletteFormat (RND_TAGBASE+19) /* palette import/export format */
- #define RND_EHBPalette (RND_TAGBASE+22) /* tag to indicate a palette is EHB */
- #define RND_FirstColor (RND_TAGBASE+23) /* first palette entry */
- #define RND_NewPalette (RND_TAGBASE+24) /* dispose the old palette and load a new one */
- #define RND_RGBWeight (RND_TAGBASE+11) /* quantization factors */
- /*
- * palette format types
- */
- #define PALFMT_RGB32 1 /* ULONG red,green,blue */
- #define PALFMT_RGB8 2 /* ULONG $00rrggbb */
- #define PALFMT_RGB4 3 /* UWORD $rgb */
- #define PALFMT_PALETTE 4 /* render.library palette */
- /*
- * palette sort mode types
- * for the use with SortPalette()
- */
- /* no particular order */
- #define PALMODE_NONE $0000
- /* sort palette entries by brightness */
- #define PALMODE_BRIGHTNESS $0001
- /* sort palette entries by the number of pixels that they represent.
- You must supply the RND_Histogram taglist argument. */
- #define PALMODE_POPULARITY $0002
- /* sort palette entries by the number of histogram entries that they
- represent. You must supply the RND_Histogram taglist argument. */
- /* sort palette entries by their optical significance for the human
- eye. Implementation is unknown to you and may change.
- You must supply the RND_Histogram taglist argument. */
- /* sort palette entries by color intensity */
- #define PALMODE_SATURATION $0005
- /* By default, sort direction is descending, i.e. the precedence is
- more-to-less. Combine with this flag to invert the sort direction. */
- #define PALMODE_ASCENDING $0008
- /************************************************************************
- histogram related
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RND_HSType (RND_TAGBASE+4) /* histogram type, see below */
- #define RND_Histogram (RND_TAGBASE+9) /* a histogram as an argument */
- /*
- * Histogram / Palette types
- * to be specified with RND_HSType
- */
- #define HSTYPE_12BIT 4 /* 12bit dynamic histogram */
- #define HSTYPE_15BIT 5 /* 15bit dynamic histogram */
- #define HSTYPE_18BIT 6 /* 18bit dynamic histogram */
- #define HSTYPE_21BIT 7 /* 21bit dynamic histogram */
- #define HSTYPE_24BIT 8 /* 24bit dynamic histogram */
- #define HSTYPE_12BIT_TURBO 20 /* 12bit tabular histogram */
- #define HSTYPE_15BIT_TURBO 21 /* 15bit tabular histogram */
- #define HSTYPE_18BIT_TURBO 22 /* 18bit tabular histogram */
- /*
- * tags that can be queried via QueryHistogram()
- */
- #define RND_NumPixels (RND_TAGBASE+5) /* # pixels in a histogram */
- #define RND_NumColors (RND_TAGBASE+6) /* # colors in a histogram */
- /************************************************************************
- rendering and conversions
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RND_ColorMode (RND_TAGBASE+7) /* color mode, see below */
- #define RND_DitherMode (RND_TAGBASE+8) /* dither mode, see below */
- #define RND_DitherAmount (RND_TAGBASE+26) /* dither amount */
- #define RND_OffsetColorZero (RND_TAGBASE+10) /* first color index to be output */
- /*
- * color mode types
- * to be specified with RND_ColorMode
- */
- #define COLORMODE_CLUT $0000 /* normal palette lookup */
- #define COLORMODE_HAM8 $0001 /* HAM8 mode */
- #define COLORMODE_HAM6 $0002 /* HAM6 mode */
- #define COLORMODE_MASK $0003 /* mask to determine COLORMODE */
- /*
- * dither mode types
- * to be specified with RND_DitherMode
- */
- #define DITHERMODE_NONE $0000 /* no dither */
- #define DITHERMODE_FS $0001 /* Floyd-Steinberg dither */
- #define DITHERMODE_RANDOM $0002 /* random dither. amount required. */
- #define DITHERMODE_EDD $0003 /* EDD dither */
- /************************************************************************
- miscellaneous
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RND_ProgressHook (RND_TAGBASE+13) /* progress callback hook */
- #define RND_SourceWidth (RND_TAGBASE+14) /* total input width [pixels] */
- #define RND_DestWidth (RND_TAGBASE+15) /* total output width [pixels] */
- #define RND_PenTable (RND_TAGBASE+16) /* ptr to a chunky conversion table */
- #define RND_LeftEdge (RND_TAGBASE+17) /* chunky data left edge [pixels] */
- #define RND_LineHook (RND_TAGBASE+20) /* line callback hook */
- #define RND_MapEngine (RND_TAGBASE+27) /* Mapping-Engine */
- #define RND_Interleave (RND_TAGBASE+28) /* Interleave */
- #define RND_Palette (RND_TAGBASE+29) /* Palette */
- #define RND_Weight (RND_TAGBASE+30) /* Weight factor */
- #define RND_ScaleEngine (RND_TAGBASE+31) /* ScaleEngine */
- #define RND_DestCoordinates (RND_TAGBASE+42) /* Texture coordinates */
- #define RND_BGColor (RND_TAGBASE+43) /* backcolor for filling */
- #define RND_BGPen (RND_TAGBASE+44) /* backpen for filling */
- /************************************************************************
- alpha-channel and masking
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RND_AlphaChannel (RND_TAGBASE+32) /* custom alpha-channel */
- #define RND_AlphaModulo (RND_TAGBASE+33) /* bytes between alpha-channel pixels */
- #define RND_AlphaWidth (RND_TAGBASE+34) /* width of alpha-channel array */
- #define RND_MaskRGB (RND_TAGBASE+35) /* masking RGB for CreateAlphaArray */
- #define RND_MaskFalse (RND_TAGBASE+36) /* mask value for outside color range */
- #define RND_MaskTrue (RND_TAGBASE+37) /* mask value for inside color range */
- #define RND_SourceWidth2 (RND_TAGBASE+38) /* total source width for 3channel operations */
- #define RND_AlphaChannel2 (RND_TAGBASE+39) /* second custom alpha-channel */
- #define RND_AlphaModulo2 (RND_TAGBASE+40) /* pixel modulo for a second alpha-channel */
- #define RND_AlphaWidth2 (RND_TAGBASE+41) /* width of a second alpha-channel array */
- /************************************************************************
- PixelFormat
- ************************************************************************/
- #define RND_PixelFormat (RND_TAGBASE+25) /* pixel format, see below */
- #define PIXFMTB_CHUNKY 3
- #define PIXFMTB_BITMAP 4
- #define PIXFMTB_RGB 5
- #define PIXFMT_0RGB_32 (1<<PIXFMTB_RGB)
- /*
- * these types are currently not used by render.library, but
- * some of them are applicable for guigfx.library functions:
- */
- #define PIXFMT_RGB_24 (1<<PIXFMTB_RGB+1)
- /*
- * strictly internal:
- */
- /************************************************************************
- ExtractPalette return codes
- You must at least check for EXTP_SUCCESS.
- EXTP_NO_DATA indicates that there were no colors
- in the histogram.
- ************************************************************************/
- #define EXTP_SUCCESS 0
- #define EXTP_NO_DATA 3
- /************************************************************************
- AddRGB, AddRGBImage and AddChunkyImage return codes
- You must at least check for ADDH_SUCCESS.
- If not delivered, the histogram might be
- inaccurate.
- ************************************************************************/
- #define ADDH_SUCCESS 0
- #define ADDH_NO_DATA 3
- /************************************************************************
- Render return codes
- You must at least check for REND_SUCCESS.
- If not delivered, the image has not been
- rendered completely.
- ************************************************************************/
- #define REND_SUCCESS 0
- /************************************************************************
- SortPalette return codes
- You must at least check for SORTP_SUCCESS.
- SORTP_NO_DATA indicates that there were data missing,
- e.g. you specified no histogram or the histogram was empty.
- ************************************************************************/
- #define SORTP_SUCCESS 0
- #define SORTP_NO_DATA 1
- /************************************************************************
- conversion return codes
- These return codes apply to conversion functions
- such as Chunky2RGB and ConvertChunky.
- ************************************************************************/
- #define CONV_SUCCESS 0
- /***********************************************************************/
- #endif